Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Bryce Canyon

July 15, 2009 Bryce Canyon: Solitude Amongst the Hoodoos

On the way to Cannonville we stopped to do a hike in Bryce. Carlynn really liked Bryce.
The required photo at the Bryce entrance sign

The view from Bryce Point

The interesting thing about Bryce is that you can find yourself competing with crowds for views into the amphitheater or wandering in nearly complete solitude around and through the very formations the crowds above are looking at. Hordes of tourists fill the trails to the viewpoints, parking the car or getting off the bus, walking a few hundred yards to the viewpoint, snapping a few photos, then back to the car or bus. A few short, popular trails get fairly heavy use, such as the trail down into Wall Street. But take a little longer hike of a few miles, and you can get up close and personal with the formations you see from above. You get a very different perspective, lots of different views, and you will only pass the occasional hiker on the trail. We did an approximately 4 mile hike from Bryce Point, around half of Peek-a-Boo loop, and up through Wall Street back to the rim at Sunset Point. We only ran into a half dozen or so other groups until we hit the Navajo loop trail. There were a good bit of ups and downs on the trail, mainly down at the start and up at the end, but well worth the effort. If you are ever in Bryce, don't just settle for the view from the rim. Get down off the rim and find yourself solitude among the hoodoos.

The start of the trail at Bryce Point

Descending into the canyon - note the number of people on the trail!

Cutting through the hoodos

Wall of windows from the Peek-a-Boo loop trail

Up close views of the hoodoos are fantastic

A wide range of colors and shapes

On the trail down into the hoodoos

Solitude on the trail at the base of the hoodoos

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