Monday, March 9, 2009

Why pigburner?

Hmmm, first attempt at blogging, what should I say..... Well, how about an explanation of my unusual user name, pigburner. Where in the world did such a name come from? Several years ago I worked for a company that processed radioactive waste in a glass furnace. One day we got a shipment of slightly radioactive, frozen pigs from a pharmaceutical company. How to get them into the furnace? Would they get squeezed through the auger that pushed the waste into the furnace, or would they jam it up? Everyone had a different opinion, so we just went ahead and tried it. Drop it down the chute. Watch on the video feed as it bounces around. Then it catches in a flight of the screw, starts turning into sausage you might say, and disappears into the furnace. One of the techs says, "I wish the camera were in color!" Oh well, I'm digressing from the point of this entry. We fed the rest of the pigs into the furnace in the same way with no problems. Of course I had to tell my family about the doings at work that day. Some time later, my oldest daughter (probably about 9 or 10 yrs old at the time) was asked what her dad did at work. She promptly recounted the most memorable thing she knew, "He burns radioactive pigs!" And so came about the nom de plume, pigburner.

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